
    Animal Husbandary Department


    Looking at the historical background, the first veterinary hospital in the state was operationalized on 1 April 1892 at Dhule and Nashik. India is an agricultural country and there is an animal husbandry department related to the agricultural sector in India, therefore the animal husbandry department has other general importance. Animal husbandry/dairy business is becoming a major business rather than a secondary business and the work of animal husbandry is done through this department. Considering the challenges faced by farmers, animal husbandry and dairy farmers in the 21st century, the department is expected to move towards entrepreneurship. Apart from this, to increase livestock production, the main objectives and goals of the Animal Husbandry Department are to increase milk production by artificially insemination of low-producing cows/buffaloes of livestock farmers and to create hybrid breeds, to improve the economic well-being of livestock farmers, to save the lives of valuable animals by timely treatment of sick livestock, to carry out preventive vaccination against various diseases, to provide training on animal husbandry to farmers/livestock farmers on technically cost-effective animal husbandry, and to increase national wealth.


    1. To provide health services to livestock through improved animal husbandry technology.
    2. To prepare livestock farmers to livestock entrepreneurs.
    3. To ensure economic and nutritional development in the district.


    To double the income of livestock farmers. And to provide good quality animal protein to society. To create a sustainable source of economic income by creating self-employment and employment in rural areas through various schemes of the Animal Husbandry Department. To develop entrepreneurship through the centrally sponsored National Livestock Mission.

    Objectives and Functions

    1. Providing technical services related to animal husbandry to the livestock farmers of the district is the main function of the Animal Husbandry Department, Zilla Parishad, Dhule.
    2. Implementing individual benefit schemes such as distribution of milch animals and goat groups through the veterinary clinics under the Animal Husbandry Department, thereby providing supplementary income and self-employment to rural farmers and needy beneficiaries.
    3. Effective implementation of livestock production policies – Increasing productivity by making genetic improvements in livestock through artificial insemination.
    4. Increasing animal products such as milk production, egg production, meat, wool by protecting livestock from diseases.
    5. Increasing the availability of antibiotics and animal feed for livestock.
    6. Availability and vaccination of livestock.
    7. Providing information on animal husbandry schemes to livestock farmers under the publicity and promotion program.

    District Animal Husbandry Office Job Chart

    Sr.No. Designation Job Chart
    1 District Animal Husbandry Officer 1. Supervise and control the technical work of Zilla Parishad Veterinary Institutions.

    2. Organize Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development Committee meetings.

    3. Submit annual program budget.

    4. Take action as per instructions received from the senior office of the department from time to time.

    5. Submit for approval the draft plan of the plan under the plan, the plan-by-plan plan and the district annual plan.


     Livestock Development Officer Technical

    1. Planning of schemes under/non-scheme/GP.Ces schemes, submission of proposals for administrative/technical approval in relation to procurement, submission of supply orders, distribution of medicines.

    2. Verification of payments in relation to procurement and submission for approval

    3. Collection of price list agreements, updating of standing order files

    4. Preparation of minutes of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Committee.

    5. Supervision of technical work/acting as liaison officer for judicial work.

    6. Collection of responsibilities of the post of Information Officer

    7. Submission of monthly daily reports of PAV for approval

    8. Submission of compliance and completion of pending audit paragraphs related to technical department, classification and computerization of records

    1 Livestock Development Officer


    1. All technical / administrative / accounting work of the IPDP office, updating the standing order file

    2. Submitting the issues related to the Talanga Group Allocation Scheme under the scheme for administrative / technical approval

    Dr. Omprakash Shinde Pavia SACVPR Dhule Additional. Assignment

    and planning the scheme.

    3. Organizing training for the educated unemployed

    4. Work related to the cooperative poultry project sponsored by the National Cooperative Development Corporation New Delhi

    5. Compliance with the pending audit paragraph and store verification paragraph

    1 S O 1. To settle the doubts in the annual inspection of the Divisional Commissioner, MCA, Deputy MCA (SAPRA)

    2. To supervise and control the Hon. Public Commissioner cases, departmental inquiry cases, court cases

    3. To supervise and control the employees regarding office discipline and punctuality

    4. To check and submit the subject files to the collection of Establishment 1 to 5 and to control and settle the establishment-related affairs

    5. Responsibilities of the post of Assistant Information Officer

    6. To attend the meetings related to the establishment-related affairs on behalf of the Head of the Account and to settle the matters to the relevant collection as per the instructions.

    7. To settle the doubts and control the Accountant General, Panchayat Raj Committee, Public Accounts Committee, Local Fund Audit, Internal Audit, Annual Store Audit

    1  Junior Assistant (Lekha)

    Est. 1 B










    1. As per the provisions of Rule 57 of the Accounts Code, to keep and update the petty expenditure record book under No. 4.

    2. As per the provisions of Rule 50 of the Accounts Code, to keep a record of cheque No. 11. To pay the amount of the cheque received in time/without delay to the district fund.

    3. As per the provisions of Rule 11 and 26 of the District Level Accounts Code, to keep a record of receipt book and cheque stock under No. 1.

    4. To collect online salary payments from the district level and taluka level and accordingly prepare DCPS/GPF schedule of the entire district, prepare MTR-44, submit it to the treasury office, make payment of non-statutory deductions from the bill, LIC/ZP credit card/GHBA/overpayment/etc.

    5. To keep safe the certificates and other financial transaction documents.

    6. To take all necessary action regarding audit. To maintain the books of the departmental audit department/to submit reports/to take pre-audit approval for payment

    7. To submit inspection notes and audit reports.

    8. To perform all the duties related to the cashier/treasurer.


    Senior Assistant (Mantra)

    Est. 1 A








    1. All kinds of work related to the establishment of Zilla Parishad employees like S.P.A./ Livestock Supervisor/ Wound Care Assistant/ Attendant

    2. Keeping the point list of the said cadre updated

    3. Submitting monthly and quarterly reports of posts in direct service/promotional cadre

    4. Submitting compliance and completion of pending audit reports related to collection, classifying and computerizing records, compiling standing orders

    5. Collecting and preserving the financial and confidential reports of S.P.A./ Employees at the group level

    6. Providing information on questions related to study visits by Maharashtra Legislative Secretariat


    Senior Assistant (Mantra)

    Est. 2








    1. All establishment related works of LDO, all retirement works (social security, group insurance scheme, leave encashment, family pension etc.)

    2. Proposals for continuation of temporary posts of LDO, preparation of transfer information

    3. Proposals for refund / non-refund of LDO’s B.N.N., travel allowances, medical reimbursement, approval and submission to the treasury.

    4. Confidential reports of LDO, compilation

    5. Submission of monthly salary payments, salary and allowance difference payments of all LDO to the treasury

    6. Submission of compliance and settlement of pending audit paragraphs related to collection, classification and computerization of records, compilation of standing orders

    7. Submission of salary/traveling allowances of LDO, state level schemes, quarterly/eighth/tenth budget budgets, monthly/quarterly expenditure reports,

    Submission of appropriation accounts, work related to determination of grants

    8. All cashier work related to LDO, preparation of salary statement/non-payable certificate, preparation of necessary proposals for obtaining pre-audit approval for all types of payments of LDO.

    4 Junior Assistant

    Est. 3









    1) Hon. Chairman Animal Husbandry to prepare vehicles as well as telephone and utility bills.

    2) All work related to vehicles of DAHO

    3) Approving the daily routine of the LDO.

    4) All work of subject committee meetings/travel allowances of members etc. and work of standing / general meeting of Z.P., collecting and submitting information of all meetings of Z.P.

    5) Preparing payments of intensive poultry development project and doing other work.

    5 Junior Assistant

    Est. 4











    1. All establishment-related work of the employees working in the Animal Husbandry Department (Headquarters) office and under the Intensive Poultry Development Project, payment of service salary, B.I.N., medical reimbursement payments, retirement-related work (social security, group insurance scheme, leave encashment, family pension, confidential report, property liability etc.) Submitting all monthly reports on establishment-related matters

    2. Preparing monthly, quarterly, annual reports.

    3. Maintaining departmental inspection books / submitting reports

    4. Preparing biometric first report and submitting monthly attendance report

    5. Submitting compliance and completion of pending audit paragraphs related to collection, classifying and computerizing records, compiling standing orders.

    6. Assisting in the work of the Animal Husbandry Department, records.

    7. Preparing office telephone, electric bills, Xerox bills, correspondent bills.

    8. Using computerization to send Online E-File, sheets etc. to seniors 100% completed

    6 Junior Assistant

    Est. 5


    1) All works related to inword and outword

    2) Records room and all related works

    3) Submission of information on RTI items 1 to 17 and submission of monthly reports to the GAD.

    4) Submission of information on complaints to the GAD every month.

    5) Preparation and submission of advance returns and daily reports of DAHO

    6) Submission of all reports related to Rajiv Gandhi Gatiman Administration Yojana and Yashwant Panchayat Raj Abhiyan Sundar Majeja Office to the GAD

    7) Submission of Zero Pendency Report to the GAD

    8) Submission of compliance of pending audit paragraphs related to collection, classification of records, collection of standing orders,

    7 Livestock Supervisor Tech.1 1. Preparing annual plan draft plan and re-appropriation proposal under the plan, issuing guidelines for the plans.

    2. Preparing four / eight / ten-month budget estimates of the plan / non-plan plans

    3. Performing the work of the District Planning Committee

    4. Preparing monthly progress reports of the expenditure of the plans

    5. Submitting various proposals under basic facilities from the District Administration System

    6. Preparing proposals for establishment / upgradation of the location of the scheme

    7. Submitting planning and reports of the plans from the Finance Commission

    8. Submitting compliance and settlement of pending audit paragraphs related to the collection, classifying and computerizing records, compiling standing orders.

    8 Livestock Supervisor Tech. 2 1District Annual General Plans, Tribal Sub-Plan, Sub-Plan outside Tribal Areas, Special Component Plans, Non-Plan Plans, Z.P. Cess Scheme Demand for funds for medicines, materials and equipment etc. Purchase 100% completed

    2District Annual General Plans, Tribal Sub-Plan, Sub-Plan outside Tribal Areas, Special Component Plans, Non-Plan Plans, Z.P. Preparation of administrative and technical approvals regarding cess schemes, medicines, materials and equipment etc. 100% completed

    3 Preparation of payments related to the purchase of medicines, materials and equipment 100% completed

    4 District Annual General Plan and Tribal Sub-Plan Veeran Vikas Yojana Beneficiary Planning 100% completed

    5 Maintaining district level medicine warehouse and distributing medicines to taluka 100% completed

    6 Making payments to medicine suppliers through ZPFM system. 100% completed

    7 Deduction of GST, TDS of medicine suppliers. 100% completed

    8 16 No. of medicine suppliers. 100% completed

    9 Submission of pending audit reports related to collection through online system, classification and computerization of records, collection of standing orders. Completed up to 2019-20

    10 Yashwant Jaywant Thombe Watap District Consolidated Monthly Progress Report 100% completed

    11 Sending Online E-File, sheets etc. to seniors using computerization 100% completed

    9 Livestock Supervisor Tech. 3 1. Technical work District consolidated monthly progress report

    2. Preparation of annual administration report (technical)

    3. Allocation of technical work to talukas

    4. Monthly/quarterly/annual demand for viral/bacterial disease prevention vaccines. Distribution of vaccines received to talukas as per supply

    5. Weekly epidemic disease report Collection of information on the background of bird flu

    6. Animal census work / fodder shortage report

    7. Slaughterhouse work report / planning of work related to Bakri Eid

    8. Institution-wise artificial insemination report

    9. Monthly meeting of PAV/ Monthly meeting of taluka

    10. Preparation and approval of tour diary / possible return diary of Heads of Accounts

    11 Submission of compliance returns of pending audit paragraphs related to collection, classification and computerization of records, compilation of standing orders.

    12. To write down the tasks assigned by the head of the office as well as the dates of technical meetings.


    Animal Husbandry Department, Zilla Parishad Dhule

    Designated Officers under the Right to Information Act -2005

    Telephone No. – 02562-295214 Email:

    *Assistant Public Information Officer 5 (2) S.O.

    Animal Husbandry Department Z.P., Dhule

    Tel. No. – 02562-295214

    *Public Information Officer, Post 5 (1) Livestock Development Officer (Technical Assistant)

    Animal Husbandry Department Z.P., Dhule

    Telephone No. – 02562-295214

    *First Appellate Officer Post 5 (1) District Animal Husbandry Officer Zilla Parishad, Dhule

    Telephone No. – 02562-295214

    Animal Husbandry Department Maharashtra State Personal Benefit Schemes Information

    Central and State Level Schemes

    Name of the scheme Project type topic wise Project Cost (Rs.) Grant (percent) Scheme Implementation Officer Beneficiary selection Criteria for beneficiary selection (priority)
    National Livestock Mission, Entrepreneurship Development Programme 1) Goat/Sheep rearing


    2) Poultry hatchery


    3) Pig rearing


    4) Sailege

    100+5 (Rs. 20 lakhs) to 500+25 (Rs. 1 crore)

    1000 birds (50 lakhs)

    50 to 100 (Pig 30 to 60 lakhs)

    2 to 4 tonnes per day

    (Rs. 1 crore)

    50% District Deputy Commissioner Animal Husbandry Project Approval Committee (PAC) Central Government 1. Individual Beneficiary

    2. Self-Help Group

    3. Farmer Producer Company Organization registered under Section 8.

    Innovative Scheme 2 Allocating groups of milch animals Distribution of 2 hybrid/indigenous cows/buffaloes, price per animal Cow Rs. 70000/- Buffalo Rs. 80000/- Cow Group


    Buffalo Group


    50 percent for general and 75 percent for SC/ST District Deputy Commissioner Animal Husbandry The following committee is headed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Animal Husbandry. 1. Beneficiaries of Women’s Self-Help Groups (A.No. 2 and 3)

    2. Smallholder Farmers

    3. Educated Unemployed (Registered in Employment and Self-Employment Centers)

    Innovative scheme goat group / sheep group allocation Price of a group of 10+1 goats (Osmanabadi / Sangamneri breed per goat 8000/- and goat 10000/-) Rs. 1,03,545/- 50 percent for general and 75 percent for SC/ST District Deputy Commissioner Animal Husbandry The following committee is headed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Animal Husbandry. 1. Beneficiaries below poverty line

    2. Very small landholding households

    3. Small landholding farmers

    4. Educated unemployed

    5. Beneficiaries of women’s self-help groups (A.No. 1 to 4)

    Innovative scheme to start poultry farming business by rearing 1000 Broiler poultry birds Shed, storeroom, electrification etc. equipment

    Food and water bowls

    Brooders etc.

    Rs. 2,25,000/-



    50 percent for general and 75 percent for SC/ST District Deputy Commissioner Animal Husbandry The following committee is headed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Animal Husbandry. 1. Very small landholding farmers

    2. Small landholding farmers

    3. Educated unemployed

    4. Beneficiaries of women’s self-help groups (A.No. 1 to 3)

    Raje Yashwantrao Holkar Mahamesh Yojana (Only for Nomadic Tribes “C”) 20+1 sheep group with basic amenities, distribution of improved breed male rams, basic amenities for sheep farming, balanced feed subsidy for sheep farming Rs.  6000/-  to 3,33,000/- 50 percent for general and 75 percent for SC/ST District Deputy Commissioner Animal Husbandry The following committee is headed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Animal Husbandry. Only for Nomadic Tribes “C” should apply on the website

    District level schemes of Animal Husbandry Department

    Name of the scheme Project type topic wise Project Cost (Rs.) Grant (percent) Scheme Implementation Officer Beneficiary selection Criteria for beneficiary selection (priority)
    Distribution of 2 groups of milch animals to beneficiaries of Scheduled Caste/Tribe at district level Distribution of two Cross brid/indigenous cows (Rs. 70000 per cow)

    or distribution of 2 buffaloes (Rs. 80000 per buffalo)

    Cow Group


    Buffalo Group


    75 percent subsidy District Animal Husbandry Officer, Z.P. Committee headed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Animal Husbandry 1. Beneficiaries below poverty line

    2. Very small landholding farmers

    3. Small landholding farmers

    4. Educated unemployed

    5. Beneficiaries of women’s self-help groups

    Distribution of 10 goats and 1 He  goat group to Scheduled Caste/Tribe beneficiaries Price of 10+1 goat group (Osmanabadi / Sangamneri breed per goat 8000/- and goat 10000/-) and insurance Rs.1,03,545/- 75 percent subsidy District Animal Husbandry Officer, Z.P. Committee headed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Animal Husbandry
    Integrated Poultry Development Scheme (ST) Group supply plan for 25 pullets and 3 male chickens aged 8 to 10 weeks Rs.10840/- 50 percent self-funding for bird shelter and equipment expenses District Animal Husbandry Officer, Z.P. Committee headed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Animal Husbandry
    To promote rural development (General and scheduled tribes) Providing fodder crops within the limit of Rs. 4000 per hec. with 100 percent subsidy. Farmers must have irrigation facilities and milch animals. Rs.  4000/- 100  percent subsidy District Animal Husbandry Officer, Z.P. Committee headed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Animal Husbandry

    The aim of this scheme is to encourage dairy farming, semi-closed goat farming and poultry farming for employment generation in rural areas and 30 percent women and 3 percent disabled beneficiaries are being provided benefits under the scheme. To avail the benefits of these schemes, one can apply online on the website


    within the specified period. For more information, contact the nearest Livestock Development Officer (Extension) Panchayat Samiti, as well as the nearest veterinary Dispencary.

    Office Address

    District Animal Husbandry Officer

    Zilla Parishad, Dhule


    Phone No. 02562 295214